How Can Airports and Airlines Adopt Modern Technology Without Incurring Exorbitant Costs?

How to challenge outdated systems - Insights on affordable modern technology for airports and airlines from Blaine Powell, Ink’s CSO

How Can Airports and Airlines Adopt Modern Technology Without Incurring Exorbitant Costs?
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'We need to challenge and change outdated systems', believes Blaine Powell, CSO of Ink. 

The misconception often arises that implementing modern technology requires a hefty capital investment. However, it's time to challenge this notion and approach the problem in a more innovative way. 

Here are a few examples…

For airlines, often, inefficiencies become entrenched as fixed costs on balance sheets or profit and loss statements. Take, for example, Type-B - legacy IATA messaging. We have assisted some carriers in examining their expenses in this area and questioning the structure of their contracts. It would be absurd to pay per character in an email or WhatsApp, but the industry operates on this model. Rather than accept these legacy practices, we need to challenge and change these outdated layers, freeing up cash to invest in transformation.

Furthermore, instead of allocating front-of-house staff without considering their role in enhancing the passenger experience, airlines should evaluate and redesign their processes. It's not about eliminating jobs but rather rethinking the tasks that don't truly contribute to an exceptional passenger journey. Employing people solely to stamp papers or use outdated systems is not cost-effective. By scrutinising day-to-day operations, airports and airlines can unlock opportunities to optimise or remove inefficient processes. In turn, this can then help offset the cost or totally fund investment in innovative solutions.

Finally, let's debunk the myth that "commoditising" innovation is negative. In reality, it's about making innovation accessible to everyone. Take biometrics, for example. We are committed to making it a mainstream technology by addressing its challenges, such as privacy concerns. Similar challenges exist elsewhere, even with traditional paper-based processes. By overcoming these obstacles and making biometrics affordable, it can become an integral part of the passenger journey, ultimately reducing the cost per passenger handled. By engineering and introducing this technology properly, the aviation industry can adopt it without massive upfront investments, allowing for phased rollouts.

Some food for thought, perhaps. It would be great to hear what you think! Please send us your questions, and we’ll cover them in our blog.

About the Author

Blaine is the Chief Sales Officer of Ink Innovation. He is responsible for overall revenue growth of the business, overseeing new business and account management activities. 

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