Shawn Richards

Meet Shawn, the Chief Executive Officer of Ink

Shawn is the CEO of Ink Innovation, working with airlines, airports and other corporates to improve experiences and journeys using technology. Originally from Trinidad and having lived in the United Kingdom, he is now based in Spain where he focuses on working with C-suite executives on challenging the status quo to do things better. 

He started his career optimising the flow of road traffic in London. Shawn began developing websites in 1995 and by 2000 was creating logistics systems and hotel booking systems. 

He has led Ink for over 10 years, a company that has grown to 80 employees spread across more than 15 countries.

Shawn has worked with clients in Scandinavia, the USA, South America, South and West Africa, South East Asia and the Caribbean. Today, his passion is working on identity management, logic-based AI and immersive VR.